Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ob Portu

As Sunday School Teacher to some of the brightest and committed adults in the world, I'm always trying to stay on my toes... so, in studying this week, I came across a word that I'm absolutely in love with...

Ob portu

It's a Latin phrase that we get our English word "opportunity" from. In the days before modern harbors, ships had to wait till flood tide to make it into port. Ob portu referred to that single moment in time when the tide would turn.

Ob portu...

Queen Esther had an ob portu moment, as did King David, the Apostle Paul, and countless others that have gone on before us.

Think I'll keep my eyes wide open - don't want to miss my ob portu moment!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

What's a girl to do...

Sometimes I have trouble prioritizing.... which comes first?
  • laundry - nope hubby's still sleeping on the sheets that need washing;
  • yard work - too dark still outside;
  • bathing the dogs (the english bulldog loves "Spa Day" - nope, need hubby's help with that and he's still in the bed (shouldn't everyone get up at 5:30 am on Saturday?)
  • and the list goes on.

Think I'll just go grab another cup of get-me-going and get in the Word. Think that's my priority right now. Good morning to you all :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Uncloudy Day

As I'm sitting here, trying to figure out exacty how to start my blogging days, I realize just how cloudy it is! Cloudy! Cloudy! Geez, it's supposed to be beautiful today - after all, I have things to do! Weeds need pulling, flower beds need cleaning (and remaking), grandkids need watching.... and the list goes on.

I do so much better when the sun is shining. Oh well, guess it's a day for cleaning the house and reading, and shopping, and....

The Sun will come out tomorrow - hopefully.


About Me

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wife of 30+ years to a wonderful, Godly man. mother of two beautiful daughters and three georgeous grandsons. I feel like I'm the most blessed person in the universe!